
A message from the MD

18 July 2024

A huge show will be taking place on Friday. A milestone of 15 Years since the concept of #TilTwo was birthed between close family friends. I never thought I would be saying these things but as I write this word the reflection of the hours spent thinking about how I will grow this night, what will it take, what does the graft look like has me literally smiling.

I feel honoured to have been allowed to provide nights for so many of you, being trusted to showcase unfamiliar artists and playing records never heard before.

Being fearless helps to achieve the dreams you want to achieve and today I can actually say I’m achieving a dream. I want to again thank every singe person who has come through the doors, every artist who has performed for us… its been a fruitful journey and as I strive to do more within the community that has helped grow the brand I promise to continue with the consistency brought every show.

This will be the 1st time I have closed the night in 6 years last doing so with Coldsteps in 2018. So it made total sense to come back to the decks to celebrate something special.

15 Years of Magic.. I hope to see you tomorrow night 

Sef Kombo

Managing Director


A word from the MD

21 May 2023
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Who would have thought that barely a year on I would be even writing this!

I’ve always wanted to be in control and do events not for the sake of doing them, ideally I just wanted to do awesome shows and productions which would leave an ever-lasting imprint. The struggle to get the right space is what prompted me to retire the brand in the first place and leave it on a high. I have although secretly amongst my personal circles said that I would, IF the right opportunity came and made sense, consider one more time.

That time has come.

The last couple of years for me has been crazy, covers of magazines, award nominations, travelling to many countries and meeting so many new people but the one thing that remained was that one question “When is Til Two” 

As frustrating as it was and not wanting to be asked, I still very much value how people think about it and what it means to them. It is a special thing so to have the chance to create one more special moment in such a amazing space.. I couldn’t say no to.

21st July, Here at Outernet… I’ll see you there.

Sef Kombo

Managing Director


A Statement from the MD

31 March 2022
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I’m sure this may come as a surprise to some and also the inevitable to others. Before July ’19 I had real strong thoughts to make it the last one, 10 Years of a brand very dear to my heart and special to many people.

Today I announce the retirement of #TilTwo

I felt it served it’s purpose and it better to leave on a high and we’ve had many, I just want to thank every single person who came through the doors as we changed from an all music night into a full house night.

I want to thank Mo who I initially started the idea with in ’09 after I left Hugo Boss and then finally starting it at Ruby Lo whilst at Harrods. Restarting and rebranding it in 2010 I took a leap of faith to do what I thought would make it work… I’m happy it did, I’m happy I put a smile on your faces throughout.

I want to thank Abi for coming on board and helping throughout, Casey for helping on the door always and my resident DJ D.E.N who held it down on the decks always. I can’t thank you three enough! I also thank Tania for giving me a chance in Sway Bar and to return in 2017. Special thanks to Anika, Jannelle, Olufemi, Monica, Darren, JRJ, Pedro, Gavin, Ade, Suzie, Rachel, Marita, Lucy, Eddy, Daniel, Zolly, Double Three Productions and Reece for your part in bringing it together. Thank you Ruby Lo, Novus Leisure, Thomas A Becket, Konnect and Proud Embankment for allowing us to use your space to create many memories. Thank you also to AfroParadise for choosing us to partner up and do two special parties in Accra, Ghana.

Thank you to the DJs who have played, you have been simply amazing and thank you to the hosts who have lifted up the mood on the dancefloor to new heights.

I’m just thankful

Sef Kombo

Managing Director